Brief presentation for investors.
For more information don´t hesitate to contact us.

Tourism is changing,
we give you the opportunity to anticipate.

ANGULAR is a unique and sustainable investment opportunity that provides a solution, from design and construction to operations, for landowners looking to monetize underutilized assets or hotel chains seeking to develop a strong brand in the eco-luxury tourism industry.

The nature resorts by ANGULAR are built in a fraction of the time and cost of traditional hotels, while providing guests with an unparalleled stay in unexplored locations where nature takes the spotlight.

ANGULAR has developed a product that fits perfectly into a new market segment: Experiential Eco-Luxury Tourism.

¿What makes ANGULAR special?.

Constant innovation

It allows us to escape from the competition and professional “copycats” who have more resources than our small startup.


It allows our clients to move away from price-based competition. Our product is handcrafted in premium quality but can be manufactured very quickly.

Experiential value

We transform resources into unique and immersive experiences. We create lasting memories and emotional connections with the user.

Perfect for unused rural plots.

Without traditional foundations, domes can be placed on rustic ground where other constructions cannot.


An exit strategy for investors or clients who can relocate their domes to more lucrative plots during seasonal shifts.


Our domes are engineered to obtain maximum self sufficiency and the lowest carbon footprint.

Highly profitable

Recoup the initial investment in 16 months. Contact us for detailed business plan.

Enter the Glamping business

We have over 15 years of expertise in the management of nature-based tourist assets. Explore investment opportunities with us to operate Angular Glampings.


Our design is meticulously crafted to provide a strong and immersive experience that connects guests with the natural surroundings

Our design makes the rotation of the dome and the opening of the window possible. Unleash it’s potential and find the best views, privacy or climate.

Who are we?

We decided to launch ANGULAR DOMES to the market because we are passionate about innovation, wood, tourism, the environment, and creating happiness.​

Alejandro Gómez (Partner)

CEO of his own consultancy firm, dedicated to the development of nature-based tourism projects for the past 22 years.

Over 15 years of experience in managing accommodations in nature.

Bachelors in Political Science (UAM)

Bachelors in Business Management (UCM)


Antonio Muñoz (Partner) 

Bachelors in Industrial Engineering (ICAI) and Bachelors in Agricultural Engineering (UPM)

Official Carpenter. (8 years of experience).

Researcher in the Doctoral Program in Biotechnology and Plant and Microorganism Genetic Resources

Promoter and CEO of a Computational Biology and Biotechnology Company

Experience in off-grid photovoltaic energy production systems

The prototype

Estimated completion february 2024


¿What exactly is a dome?

The dome, derived from the Latin “domus” meaning house, particularly in its geodesic form, is a construction based on the icosahedron (one of the Platonic solids) known for its exceptional structural strength. As an example, the Pantheon of Agrippa, constructed by Hadrian, stands as a centuries-old dome towering at 43 meters in height, remarkable for its lack of columnar support or similar structures.

¿Why a wooden dome?

The manufacturing process of our geodesic domes is artisanal, and we only use natural materials, which creates a strong connection to nature and provides unique sensory experiences that are not available in metal domes with synthetic fabrics or excessive screws and metal joints. It also allows for greater customization and attention to detail, creating a unique and personalized experience for each guest. The natural materials used in our domes not only provide a unique sensory experience but also contribute to the structural strength and durability of the domes.

If you wish to visit our offices in Pozuelo de Alarcón or our facilities in Toledo, we kindly request that you contact us in advance. An appointment is required.

¿Desea más información acerca de esta oportunidad de inversión?

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Algunas preguntas sobre su consulta o proyecto:

Alojamiento, recepción, sala multiusos, sala de yoga, bar, restaurante, vivienda, oficina de turismo….
Puede indicarnos la superficie del domo tanto en m2 como en metros de diámetro. Construimos pabellones a partir de 18.37 m2 o 5m de diámetro.
¿Le interesa algún extra?
Asesoramos en la selección del terreno, viabilidad económica, rentabilidades esperadas, subvenciones, estudios de mercado, etc.
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Cuando le gustaría iniciar su actividad o dejar montado y completamente funcional su pabellón?
Disponemos de soluciones que pueden ir desde los 10.000€ a los 165.000€. Necesitamos entender su presupuesto para poder asesorarle con las soluciones que mejor le puedan encajar en su presupuesto y tipo de proyecto. Recuerde que también somos consultores turísticos y hemos desarrollado más de 400 proyectos en estos últimos 20 años. Podemos asesorarle adecuadamente.
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Es interesante si nos puedes hacer llegar algún dato de terreno como la referencia catastral o algunas fotografías del terreno o alguna referencia de domos que le haya gustado.
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